Triple Sash Deer Blind Windows | Shooting Tower | Rifle Gun Hunting Stand Horizontal Sliding Windows
Price: $0.00
SKU: Triple Sash Blind Windows

Deerblind and Hunting Stand Windows for rifle and gun hunters come in many styles, shapes, and sizes - ALL ARE 11.5" Height. This is the TRIPLE PANE SLIDING WINDOW WITH THREE (3) SASHES .. the middle sash is fixed and the outside sashes slide towards the center .. perfect for extreme cold hunting ranges and can be installed on the inside or the outside. BigDaddy reccommends outside mounting for numerous reason outlined in my PDF GUIDE TO DEERBLIND WINDOWS - INCLUDED WITH YOUR PURCHASE. Rough Opening FAQ? .. We recommend 1/8" larger on the height and 1/8" on the width; And We can do custom sizes for any rough openings;
BigDaddy"s "How To" DIY Window and Door Plans PDF - INCLUDED.